Who Should I Choose To Install My Solar?

Carefully! That’s How!

Some important things to look for when choosing an installer are:

Clean Energy Council (CEC)  Recognition 
The CEC is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation. They represent and work with Australia’s leading renewable energy and energy storgae businesses, as well as rooftop solar installers to further the development of clean energy in Australia. https://www.cleanenergycouncil.org.au/about

Is your installer a CEC Approved Retailer?
An individsual cannot earn CEC Approved Solar Retailer recognition, only an Australian ASIC Registered Company can. This means the solar company as a whole has undergone a rigorous voluntary process to adhere to the Clean Energy Council’s Code of Conduct and must continue to abide by this Code of Conduct through the entierly of their trading.

Who Designed Your System? A CEC Accredited Solar Designer or a salesman?
A CEC Accredited Solar Designer is someone that has had to successfully complete the Grid Connected Solar Systems Design Course. There are strict pre-requiesuites that have to be met before one can enrol in this course such as being a fully qualified electrciain. 

Who is Installing Your System? A CEC Accredited Solar Installer or a roofer/subbie/tradesman?
A CEC Accredited Installer is someone that has had to successfully complete the Grid Connected Solar Systems Design AND Install Course. Again there are strict pre-requisites that must be met before one can enrol in this course such as being a fully qualified electrician. 

Warranties- Workmanship
A CEC Approved Retailer has to provide a minimum of 5 years workmanship warranty.

Customer Reveiws, read them!
We can list a tonne of things to look for when choosing an installer but one of the most transparent ways is through their customer reviews.

Make sure your solar professional can show a long ‘public’ history of installations via Google or SolarQuotes for eg. Customer Reviews from reputable companies such as these cannot be removed or edited by solar professionals. Once the reviews go public, the good the bad and the ugly…they are there to stay!

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